My character Daniella Bite~

Posted Nov 7, 2015, 9:31:39 PM UTC

My oc characer for fnaf she's a female nightguard with dyed white hair, and pale blue eyes who typically wears the security guard outfit.

Relationships with the nightguards:

Vincent/Purple guy: "Undecided but I'm working on they're relationship on my fanfiction called the strange couple~ but so far their frenemies"
Mike: "Well she tried to hurt him once is that something?"
Jeremy: "Meh they cool"

Phone guy/Scott: "They're okay pretty cool with each other~"
Fritz: "Sure? She wishes he would eat healthier though. She doesn't mind it I suppose"
Age: "23"
Weight: "A little over average probably I like to imagine her weight to be somewhere around 140 lbs"

Hieght: "5.1"

Likes: "Dark colors, soft/elegant music, Bonnie the Bunny, anime, mangas, video games, pokemon, shiny pokemon, and staying in her room, also books, and onesies :)"

Fears: "Needles, loud screeches, intimacy, showing emotions or her true inner feelings (Well besides when she's telling someone off for being an ***) and cats"

Personality: "Stoic, unemotional, depressed, doesn't typically care what people think about her (because she bombards her emotions to keep them inside all the time), smart, somewhat niave."

Flaws: "Weak as balls, naive, depressed, unemotional"

Fun facts: She used to live in Missouri, but now she lives in Illinous with her two sister's Tasha and Lisa. (I just don't add this in to my story because I don't think it's important)

Her birth date is December. 3rd 19 something something .-. maybe 1965

Is completely oblivious to her true feelings whenever anybody asks her if she likes Vincent she just responds with "I like him as a friend but not in a romantic way I suppose..." but then once he walks immediatly in the room she typically blushes whenever she looks at him, she oblivious to this as well.




Hope you enjoy her and have a lovely day~

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  • Tasha Bite
  • The onesie and Daniellas fear
  • Vincent no!


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