Allistair Allistdan

Posted Jul 24, 2022, 8:13:22 PM UTC

Born a male werewolf amid the lupine lycanthropes of Ruined Strathmoor, Allistair takes the name Allistdan at his coming of age.  Accepting the blood-red Invitation Cloak, the young born-werewolf descendant of the Wolf Tribe Barbarians, Allistair-Allistdan accepts the Accord Collar to balance his Human and Beast selves.  Trained by his mother/dam in the ways of the Wolf Tribe Barbarians she was banished from, Allistair-Allisdtan has respected the magical distrust of Barbarians.  The most major turning point in his life he named Night of Reckoning when the Northrover Rangers fell upon the Strathmoor Werewolves and slaughtered many of the lycanthropes there, including Allistair-Allistdan's mother/dam Dobraya Mat.  Allistair-Allistdan is poor in monetary terms, with only the schooling his mother/dam and the Strathmoor Werewolves gave to him before the Night of Reckoning.  This Strathmoor Werewolves dislikes silver, magic, and any combination thereof.  He hates betrayers of oaths.  In fleeing the massacre of his kind, Allistair-Allistdan has run bipedal and quadrapedal continually for days and uses those long-distance running skills to travel as many mounts shun his lycanthrope nature.
Age: 19
Eyes:  honey yellow-orange
Pelt:  amber-0range
Typical outerwear:  green kilt, red Invitation Cloak, alloy-gold Accord Collar (talisman)
Weapon:  Bastard Sword

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