In the garden

Posted Jul 8, 2007, 7:11:58 AM UTC

This is a drawing of a younger Nehra.  Before he is king - so he's a little more easy going.  This is a work in progress and his hands are giving me grief as well as his costume, his nose and the weeping willow-like tree that I wish to have hanging all around him. And I'm perfecting my skill at adding the intricate jewelry (braclets, rings, belly chains and other accesories) that he loves to wear. 

I like the challenging pose and his hair style.  I thought about giving him a open smile not just the subtle grin. I think I use that too much.  It's not entirely a bad thing - but it would be nice to do something different, yah know? 

Crits on his hands...or expression would be helpful.  Grasping the branch has given me trouble.  Or any techniques on how to pencil in the leaves of the Willow he's standing under...  Thanks ahead of time ^_^

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