
Posted May 14, 2008, 3:16:09 AM UTC

Yaaay! Finally my first submission! And I'm proud of it! xD;

Yes. This took something like… eight hours, total, I'd guess. I had something like 13 layers. xD; The GIMP occasionally would turn into Lag Monster, so lots of breaks were involved.

The one thing that I'm especially proud of would probably be the shading. xD First time I ever worked with "smudged" shading, and I really like how it came out. :-D (Speaking of shading, ignore how weird it looks on the letters. That was intentional. :3)

This character's name is B.D.. If you can guess what it stands for, you win cookies. [=w=]

Tiny edit: Removed a keyword as it was a spoiler to the story that B.D. is from. [>>;]

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