DBZ - A Chat Over Space Soda

Posted May 19, 2008, 12:26:26 PM UTC

Appule: Is Zarbon seriously letting people see him like that?

Dodoria: He's been walking around transformed on a regular basis these days. He's been hanging around with that Ginyu guy a lot, too, now that I think of it.

Appule: You don't think they're...

Dodoria: Well, I've had my suspicious about Zarbon, but I didn't think Mr. Beauty-Bombs himself would go for a guy like--

Zarbon & Burter: We're not dating! D:<


I don't really think of these two as a pairing so much as I imagine Burter, if he were a decent person and felt so inclined, helping Zarbon to see that he shouldn't be ashamed when transformed, because he doesn't see it as becoming something repulsive (quite the opposite actually, though I'm probably giving him waaaay too much credit). Of course, there are always those that will misinterpret things, Dodo-brain and Appule, for example.

Lazy background is lazy. D:

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  • May 20, 2008, 10:04:22 AM UTC
    Love the shading and the details (no real strays like most from the actual anime adaptations) But JEICE AND BURTER ARE BETTER TOGETHER! lol
  • May 19, 2008, 8:15:18 AM UTC
    Very nice. I love the way they look so relaxed and natural. The two in the background look like they want in on the joke. Wink



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