NNG Lonesome Mother...

Posted May 5, 2009, 9:01:31 AM UTC

"Somehow, I knew my over-mothering behaviour would get the best of me someday...and cause all 3 of my children to leave me........was I so overprotective of them all?"

With Tsuyo and Amichou both out searching for Kaguya for long periods of time, Oeyo began to feel more lonely and sad with herself over the ordeal thinking their being constantly absent was all her doing. Poor woman. Luckily she has her hubby Yoshi to keep her some company and comfort her. 

Another sad-attempt at manga toning Segawa Masaki style, while desperately trying to get over this blasted flu. Should be over it real soon... 


Yoshiro (c) Dahdtoudi:

Oeyo, art (c) Me


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