The Ogden Brothers

Posted Oct 29, 2009, 7:44:10 AM UTC

 From a collaborative story. Elijah Ogden, Lieutenant General of the Alpha team of the NDT is cool and collected and though his abilies aren't the strongest, his strength of will and intelligence have helped to push him to the top. It doesn't hurt any that his ability in the NDT is the unique ability of Atom Creation. Though he is loyal as long as the NDT actually has a use to him, his loyalty to the only family member he cares about runs deeper. Of the two, Hunter is the youngest. When he was younger, he began hearing voices, seeing images, and feeling things that weren't there. The boy's parents turned to their religion, attempting to exorcise their son through ceremony, but when that didn't work, they attempted to purge the demon from the world through death. Elijah stole his brother away, and not long after they were taken in by the NDT, who claimed to be able to help the younger. Now is when the real chaos ensues.

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