World Beast (2nd/final sketch)

Posted Nov 7, 2005, 5:09:29 PM UTC

A second attempt at the 'World Beast'.

Done during an after-school band concert in between the moments the stage lights are actually turned on. Started with a random creature head I scribbled with a pen, that eventually spun out more.

Totally scribbled, but prolly the final concept. It's not exactly predatory, or herbivorous, which I was going for (I'm giving it hooves).

Currently using a dog gait to animate it.

Scrapped the cat anatomy from this one, went with almost pure dog for the body though front shoulders, chest and frontal spine and neck are still a bison's.

Also, this resembles a previous sketch I did once in a schoolbook at the start of the year, a Praelin I called it.

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  • Nov 25, 2005, 5:36:45 AM UTC
    wow honestly this sketch looks really nice and it has a bit of professionalism to it. I really like what you did to its head. and the body you drew seems like this creature has the same height as human being. Well done! =D
    • Nov 26, 2005, 5:32:06 AM UTC
      Thanks, great that you liked it ^^

      Actually, I've completed animating its running cycle in Flash, I think it looks pretty good.
      • Dec 2, 2005, 5:51:21 AM UTC
        hey, show it to me! send it thru my email: [email protected]. im eager to see!! (^_^)
        • Dec 10, 2005, 4:24:16 PM UTC
          Ok, you need Flash player btw.

          Um, it'll take some time. I'm still putting color on it, so yeah ^^;; My deadline comes in 5 days T_____T
        • Dec 13, 2005, 2:19:13 AM UTC
          It's sent by the time you read this ^^ Note that you need Flash Player (7 version I think) to view it @_@