The Biggoron

Posted May 6, 2004, 7:09:16 AM UTC

Heheheh, well Link, that's a mighty big sword you've got there. What do you guys think of this little drawing. No model, from my head. all my drawings lately have been from my head without a model (I feel so proud).

So I had some fun with his hair and made it grow a little. Creative license! I may have made the sword too thick too. I also skrewed up on it but I wont tell you where.

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  • Jun 5, 2005, 6:45:29 PM UTC
    Girl, you could never make his sword too thick! lol!
    This is really awesome; I do love the 'artistic license' you took. His hair looks fantastic! And the sword is very kewl; I think you made it look slightly more Asian, which I love ^_^
  • May 29, 2005, 4:25:24 PM UTC
    Definately original. And it's not the size of the sword that counts, it's how you use it! lol!
  • Skire
    Mar 13, 2005, 6:20:46 PM UTC
    Just wondering... Why take creative liscence with his hair? I'm not sure it really looks better like this, especially since you can barely discern the trademark hat. But, anyway, I thin I spotted your mistake--the top half of Link's body is smaller than the lower half... Am I right?
    • Skire
      Mar 14, 2005, 4:37:57 PM UTC
      Not "thin", THINK. Sorry. I typed fast.
  • Dec 31, 2004, 9:45:05 AM UTC
    You are quite a talented artist but the only problem i have with the drawing is the connection between the left leg and left foot it seems to not align the calf is at the end of the boot and the knee is bent but the rest of the leg in the booot doesnt follow in the direction it would naturally go it looks almost broken but other than that i think the picture is wonderful the hair is awesome and the pose is great.!
    • Dec 31, 2004, 10:36:21 AM UTC
      Yeah I think you are right. The leg without the weight on it is too long and the knee wasn't drawn right. His head is also too small and his upper torso is too flat and the wrong shape I think.
  • Jul 26, 2004, 12:09:43 PM UTC
    Link has been drinking milk lately... about the swort though: it's too d*mn big and it doesn't have those... err... wachacallthem? wingthingies at the base of the edge... i think...

    Oh, if anyone understands me , good for you... If you don't, sorry, can't help ya...
    • Jul 26, 2004, 10:43:54 PM UTC
      woh looking at this drawing again, he's got some porportion issues. As for the sword, it's not the master sword, it's the biggoron. I don't really know what it looks like so I kinda guessed. I did a sloppy job though. I really rushed the drawing. Thank you for the critique though. I always appreciate critical comments
      • Jul 27, 2004, 6:21:57 AM UTC
        biggoron sword? it's... err... hmm... *tries to find words from dictionary...*
      • Skire
        Mar 14, 2005, 4:42:04 PM UTC
        The hilt is sort of diamond shaped, with a yellow jewel in the middle connecting blade and hilt. Handle=big enough for two hands with room to spare. Blade=about 3/5 the width of hilt, with 1/5 of hilt on either side of blade. Just for those of you who wanted to know. (I described it from memory, so probably a few mistakes. It's best to look at stuff when drawing/describing things--I can't draw well any other way. And about half the time I mess it up anyway. But that's what practice is for, right?)