Crew of You [painting wip]

Posted Nov 11, 2006, 1:37:15 AM UTC
I last worked on this sometime in April of 2006. I never got around to finishing it. In it's current state it is an acrylic painting but i think i will just finish it digitally because i'm too lazy to paint in traditional mediums these days. its too much work to set everything up.

Anyway, I'm not really requesting any sort of feedback on this because its in a state where it may be difficult to critique, especially since a lot of the purple underpainting is still showing. But it can give you an idea on what my process is like. When i do traditional paintings, i don't build up the whole page equally, but instead focus on a tiny part of the paitning and render it until i think it's finished, then move on to another part. You may notice on the left are is looking a lot more finished.

I know that doing it this way isn't the way most professionals do it but it works best for me. I tend to get overwhelmed when working on a large painting so only seeing part of it at a time and focusing on rendering it first, then moving on works better for me.

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  • Apr 10, 2007, 7:56:28 AM UTC
    This is very cool.... Reminds me of the Playstation RPG Heart of Darkness. EXCELLENT WORK!
  • Nov 11, 2006, 9:57:59 AM UTC
    I know what you mean- this is why I paint so little _ should post the seashell i painted the other day-

    NEway I really like your work and I think you should stick with the acrylic and that way you'll have the painting finished and not finished on the pc and half done on canvas- just a thought-

    oh and I wanted to say I like the random featured artwork on the home page- but i got a question- are we allowed 7 featrured artworks including everything on paper demon and red curtain or is it 7 for paper demon and 7 for red curtain. I would like to add some more but don't want to get rid of anything so if it's only 7 in all I'll just leave it as is - thanks and greta pic so far- I wish I culd paint this good Grin
    • Nov 11, 2006, 10:13:35 AM UTC
      Thank you for the comments Kichi.
      You are allowed 7 featured arts total including both rc and pd. Not 7 per site.



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