"...You're Mine."

Posted Jun 29, 2007, 2:17:08 PM UTC

Oh look. I painted it xD Granted, I haven't slept yet, and it's time for me to be getting ready to leave, but oh well. LOL xD I'll take a nap later to make up for it. I do want to ask however:: Does it look okay as it is? Should i colour in the negative space (white space, though really, we should most know the basics of art)? Or does it look okay blank? If you want me to colour it, suggest a colour or blend of colours to make a multicoloured watercolour bg xD <3 All up to you guys.

Anyway, these are Draestayth's parents. The slightly frightened one is his 'mother' (he's a he, but as I said before in Pain for Pleasure, they're a childbearing race, and there are no women. Many of the children don't even know the meaning of "woman" or "girl"), and his name is Ellian. He's blind, though one would never guess it other than the fact it's not uncommon for him to have a blank stare. He is very aware of his surroundings and he has the ability to see through others if they're within 10 feet of him.

The other man is his forced-to-be husband, and they're of the royal family in their tribe. His name is Dragan, and he's not exactly the nicest person. He has a sour and very quick temper. He easily kills even his own family members if they go too far, and he has no problem trying to start a war. He judges his childrens' worthiness by how strong they are, and exiled Draestayth because he did not become strong enough for his standard and could not protect himself. No one wanted to be Drae's mate because they were all afraid their child would be just as weak and useless to their King as he was himself.

Anyway, I think I've rambled on about this long enough <3 Enjoy.

Dragan and Ellian (c) Tetsu

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  • Jun 29, 2007, 7:46:48 PM UTC
    This is nice. Smile I likes it.

    And as far as the background, the white's cool, but if you're looking for suggestions, I'm seeing like a dark teal-ish, with some white wispy things floating around. I have NO idea why. Laughing My brain has this weird color scheme generator, and that's what it came up with.

    Hug Hope I helped.
    • Jun 30, 2007, 12:16:03 PM UTC
      Thank you :3

      Ohh, that could be an interesting background~ I think I might try it xD if anything, the tealish colour should look good with or without the white >.> Heheh <3 Thanks again :3