Naruto- CoMISSION At Work

Posted Aug 12, 2007, 2:06:29 AM UTC

It's about damn time.

Colouring Ros roped me entirely back in to a colouring mood, and I've got a few fresh ideas for where I'm taking this four-part piece.

This is a comission I've been sitting on for what has to be little over a year now... I'm gonna add the Rasengan and some form of BG once I get a good Rasengan ref.

Here's the last known sighting of the progress on this (part I) piece:

Shading and lighting have been implemented.

Anyway, I'm back in action here.

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  • Aug 14, 2007, 11:06:10 PM UTC
  • Aug 12, 2007, 12:16:03 AM UTC
    Comparing the two, I can really see the work you've put into this! Impressive texture, lighting, and shading... as well as the form in general. His skin is really wonderfully done, especially his right arm (viewer's left).
    Awesome! I look forward to seeing the end result!