The Fordwych Boys

Posted Sep 12, 2007, 4:38:16 AM UTC

Lolz, a group of young wannabe pirates from [icon=FromHakaryou] 's fantasy novel Castle Shyr. They live in the port town guessed it, Fordwych and, due to the influence of real-life pirate (also brother of ringleader, Austly), Lantipher, the Nanion children have formed their own, unfortunately land-bound crew. The boys are pictured from left to right.

Tall boys in back: Fetwe, Yuhin, Austly
Short boys standing in front of them: Mirta, Til, Taywah
Boys in front, on ground: Soboe, Kylo

There they are, a very fine pirate crew if i do say so myself...or at least, they think so.

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