An alien stalker (first sketch

Posted Feb 25, 2008, 8:42:12 PM UTC

Now this is the result of a weekend watching 3 Alien movies consecutively. I've always liked the design on this beasties so I thought I'll give it a try at drawing them. After trying some doodles at my social sciences class, and getting some weird stares that clearly said "look at that freak drawing monsters! but oh well I'll keep staring cause it's more interesting than class" I decided to draw something on the computer and this was born. I think is the only pic I've drawn that depicts a scene , that actually shows that something is really happening (and that has an interesting bg) Well needless to say that I still suck at drawing humans. I have no idea how I'm going to color this but I'll still try. I mean I've already wasted like 8 hours on this, I might as well finish it.


Alien belongs to 20th century fox and H.R. Giger something (I think correct me if I'm wrong)

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  • Feb 26, 2008, 8:19:12 AM UTC
    I am a huge fan of the Alien series, so thanks for this fanart. The alien in the foreground is very well done and should provide you with a nice challenge to paint. The paint/color process will most likely make or break this as an exciting piece. Nice depth of field. Best of luck with the progress, I look forward to seeing it completed. Thanks for sharing.
    • Feb 26, 2008, 3:10:34 PM UTC
      Yay I did something good! My time has not been wasted. I'm actually still learning to color digitally but I specifically drew this to practice. It's actually the first thing I've drawn that I can actually say "hey something is going on in that drawing" Thanks for your commentary it gives the fuel to my flame of inspiration.



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