The Riding Lizard

Posted Feb 8, 2009, 12:32:09 AM UTC

I tend to do all my sketches in blue, by the way. Makes it easy to see black over when I pen stuff.

Anywho, this is for one of my original stories/comics. This lizard is not a dragon. The dragons of this world have wings and are very, very stupid. This guy has the intelligence of a normal human and understands human speech, but can't speak because he doesn't have the vocal cords from it. His name is actually Bloodstar but his master, Lily, calls him Biscuit. Because she's eight.

Bloodstar and Lily have a very close bond because they were born on the same day and raised together. Bloodstar is extremely protective of his master and she loves him just as dearly.

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  • Jan 23, 2021, 5:59:37 AM UTC
    This is really cute! ♥ I love reptiles or anything that is dinosaur-y, and seeing this with just a rough sketch, is really something. Also good luck on your comic, :3 I bet it be something. Also that is cute desc, and I love she calls him Biscuit. XD



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