Misery Business

Posted Jan 6, 2011, 7:17:09 PM UTC

Drawing of a friend's oc (though I also have a tentacle chick).


I know that her hips are a bit too small, I'm trying to improve that >>

This was mainly for practice for anatomy.



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  • Jan 10, 2011, 5:23:34 PM UTC
    I like this one too.

    I noticed you're asking for a roast. I only noticed a few nitpicky things. Her right hand is a bit too big and her left leg needs a bit more shape.

    Overall excellent work and I hope you color these at some point.
    • Jan 21, 2011, 2:10:25 AM UTC
      Oh, thank you!!
      I thought that maybe the leg was a bit off, thanks for letting me know (:

      And haha, I may try coloring them at some point!