Sketch: Modern Day Shayasanya

Posted Jul 6, 2012, 8:34:11 PM UTC

Yeah wellllll~ lately when I want to do commissions, something doesn't feel right and I do something like this instead. Sketches. Yay.
At least I'm doing something, right?
Another round of Shayasanya somehow stranded in modern day Earth. Maybe even a bit into the future. I just might be a tiny bit influenced by Avengers right now. *cough*
Anyway. Designing clothes is fun.

I hope you can read my writing xD

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  • Jul 7, 2012, 9:45:18 AM UTC
    These kinds of sheets are always such a pain to do...Love yours though--and can I say off topic--ish....THANK you for not making her a twig with fake chest meat. Girls can be sexy without looking like size 0-2's that can blow away in a windstorm or fall through floorboards....I mean..HOW are we supposed to believe that they can FIGHT and Conjure if they weigh 110 lbs or less? Smile Annnnd your character is beautiful too.
    • Jul 7, 2012, 3:36:58 PM UTC
      Thank you very much! I actually love the doing of those sheets, it's a very nice way to be creative and practice at the same time.
      And yeah, I try to depict her as having a bit more flesh to her, as she's a fighter who relies a lot on physical strength, despite being able to boost her speed and strentgh with spells.
      And honestly, those twigs with huge boobs are kinda terrifying for me. Who likes those things anyway?