Vendrevin Posed

Posted Dec 18, 2005, 4:03:27 AM UTC
This is kinda a color test for his costume more than anything.  I realized I drew he jaw a bit squarish. @_@ Anyhow... I like to mix cultures when I come up with costumes. A little bit of this and that...  Many of my inspirations come from a mix of Indian, Roman, Arabic and a little ancient Egyptian.  I'm up for anything- but those are my favorites.  His little pull-over cape is something Vendrevin will have with him while he travels about.  I've been thinking about giving it a hood for bad weather situations. 

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  • Apr 22, 2006, 5:27:35 PM UTC
    This is awesome! You just gotta finish coloring him! Love the detail in the hair and eyes and his costume kicks ass!
    • Apr 22, 2006, 5:33:16 PM UTC
      Thanks for the comment about the costume. I always wonder what people think about the costuming I design. Sometimes it's the hardest part to create. Thanks again. I'll try to get the coloring done! Smile