Areetala ref (feral)

Posted Jun 6, 2020, 8:46:42 PM UTC

Name: Areetala

Nickname: Aree/Ari

Title: Avatar of the World

Pronouns: they/them

Species: Dracari (Avatar)


Personality: An outgoing free spirit that celebrates their power and position as often as possible. They care deeply about those they consider their responsibility (everyone they see) and are willing to fight to protect them. While very opinionated, they are (usually) able to share their thoughts without being rude. They are a good speaker, but do not do well in front of real crowds. Is almost constantly moving, running, jumping, flying.


Story: Was given the title 'Avatar' because they represent the World and the Masters of the World. Though this title gives them a lot of influence and power over the World and the beings that live in it, they prefer to interact with people personally rather than oversee the world as a whole. They prefer this method, but also find it restrictive, so they turned to the internet and other social media both within the World and outside of it in order to connect with a larger audience. 


Art and design by Areetala

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  • Jun 8, 2020, 3:19:05 PM UTC
    She looks awesome!
    I love the pose and design.
  • Jun 7, 2020, 6:45:43 PM UTC
    What a stunning design! I love the choice of colors
  • Jun 6, 2020, 10:25:41 PM UTC
    Beautiful design, the soft colors are so nice to look at! The anatomy of the wings in particular is very unique- A lot of feather/leather combo wings I see (for the lack of a better name for them) feel cluttered or problematic, but the place at which you chose to end the feathers and reveal the membrane is artfully done and really sells it like I haven't quite seen done before - the transparency of the wings adds to the effect even further.

    How you have the tail thicken around the middle reminds me of a leopard gecko's tail, it's not commonly seen on dragons and is adorable. The line of paler scales along the front of the legs is a nice way to add a little visual complexity to that part of the dragon, it reminds me of how I designed my sona's arms and is nice to see around more Smile
    • Jun 8, 2020, 6:08:58 AM UTC
      omg thank you so much! Their design gave me fits for a while, but I like how it turned out in the end, and it means a lot to me that other people like it too
  • Jun 6, 2020, 10:13:04 PM UTC
    Love the dynamics of this pose--I'm also a sucker for the soft blend of pastels along the body beyond the structure of the wings! Very lovely character indeed. Smile
    • Jun 8, 2020, 7:10:40 AM UTC
      Thank you so much! It took a while for me to settle on the colors I wanted, so I'm very glad other people like how it turned out
  • Jun 6, 2020, 10:01:20 PM UTC
    I love the pose and the markings!
    • Jun 8, 2020, 7:18:55 AM UTC
      Thank you! I was hoping to give my mascot a simple design, but I liked the tabby-ish markings too much lol



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