Blood Show

Posted Jun 21, 2020, 3:06:23 PM UTC

Please no MJ Drama. 

I'm fully aware of MJ History but this is tribute to memories i had while listening his music.

This is something what i've been wanting to draw for a long time. Foot toching the ground feels a bit odd tho but eh. 
So here is Sakke in my favorite Michael Jackson clothing... MJ doesn't even sing in it. 
Just goes berserk and turns into black panther in the end. :^ 

>~Memory vault~<
I have very fond memories about listening and watching MJ music on VHS tapes with my mom.
How the Thriller was my first horror themed short film and i still remember how i couldn't watch away... i was stuck
on that couch. It doesn't scare me anymore but back then it did. My mom is very over protective with what she wanted us to watch but this time she allowed me to see it in full and it was a mistake. I was maybe 7 - 10? TBH, i still hate horror 
But vampires and blood? Yes please. 

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