Dem the mysterious

Posted Oct 3, 2020, 10:07:10 PM UTC

So guess who will be riding my Stryx when they are approved?

so this is Dem, a trader that popped up one day and began trading the oddest things that nobody has been able to find. Bones covered in crystal, coins from unknown cultures, and even produce that appears to be from some unknown land. For the first few months Dem traded things that were completely alien to the markets he visited, until they realized that barely anything was selling and ended up switching gears. They began to trade more commonly found items such as pelts, cotton, gemstones, anything that would help put food on the table. Now they are a far better known merchant, although from time to time they will be trading something that would be completely out of this world.

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Constructive Critique requested.

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  • Oct 4, 2020, 6:33:31 PM UTC
    It's very cute! It reminds me a bit of Magolor from Kirby.
    I do feel the right hand on the middle pic is to large and its kinda hard to really tell the wrist from the arm. The grasping hand int the right pic is wonderfully done btw!

    I hope my gentle critique can help...



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