trails: Building A Nest

Posted Nov 7, 2020, 11:00:19 PM UTC
Your Aqrion has reached sexual maturity now.  Many Aqrion choose a partner for life, therefore in order to woo a mate, they need to show that they can be relied upon.
- Depict your Aqrion building a nest in preparation for having a family.  Nests are typically made of kelp and can be fashioned in any way or location, including in caves. -

here's my new boi: Lace, your stereotypical male anime protagonist but without any of the self awareness to know that he shakes when standing up to bullies.

Anyways yeah he's one of those Aqrion that wanted a family as soon as they were born so of course he wanted to practice making a comfy nest for his future family

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