Lim's Talisman

Posted Apr 12, 2021, 7:32:19 PM UTC

The Increasingly Incomprehensible Scroll

Lim never goes anywhere without this large, furled up piece of parchment, often carrying it on his back. When he's not wearing it, he can be seen poring over it, scribbling and writing, adding to the mess of glittering purple ink that seems to bleed and flow and bend across the surface constantly, sometimes displaying drawings, sometimes displaying writings, othertimes showing...badges? It's rather perplexing.

There is a rumour that Lim is able to manifest a set of properly impish wings using the scroll, as well as a tea set, more scents for his locket, really anything that takes the imp's fancy...but these are so far unconfirmed, as no one has actually observed the process yet. Only that it seems when he has wings or an assortment of other significant items, the scroll is nowhere to be seen.

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  • Apr 16, 2021, 2:45:53 PM UTC
    Since the scroll can change what is displayed, is it organized by some sort of trait or does it appear as any random 'page' with space left when he wants to write something else down?
    • Apr 16, 2021, 2:59:25 PM UTC
      Yes. Smile

      In all seriousness it's a bit like the second one, essentially he'll always find some form of blank space for what he needs in the moment. What's on it isn't always what was there before, and there appears to be no rhyme or reason as to what chaotic scribble will be stained across it.
  • Apr 14, 2021, 3:54:00 AM UTC
    Parchment code 418!