Dixy character profile

Posted Dec 6, 2021, 10:01:30 PM UTC

Name: Dixy Divisav

Age: 347

Gender: Trans Male (he/him)

Species: High Elf, Lich

Hair color: Platinum blonde

Eye color: Bright magenta

Height/Weight: 6'1 / 127lbs

Build: Unusually thin, with a rectangular shape


As a younger child, while he was out, Dixy found a dark tome that seemed to call to him. Unbeknownst to him, it was sent by a chaotic death goddess, not for him specifically (or anyone for that matter), but he was the one that found it. He brought it home and, at first, his family wasn’t aware, though once they found out what it was they cautiously let him continue, despite knowing the practice of necromancy was strictly forbidden in their small city. Though they did their best to keep it a secret for years, a man that he met and entered a relationship with, Ashley Aldaron, was told personally due to a noticeable decline in mental health. While Ash was a high ranking officer in the city guard, a colleague noticed him being out a lot more and started stalking him to see what was up, causing Dixy’s secret to come to light with the council and Dixy was exiled once proof was recovered. Though Dixy entirely blames Ash for this happening, he still has the moonstone pendant that was given to him as a gift. During his isolation, with nowhere else to go and nothing else to do, he had almost no choice but to study and practice the necromantic magic that came to him so naturally. He continued learning how to use magic for his own advantage though he also developed unsavory desires and had a habit of killing along with lying and stealing. Due to his general desire for more necromantic power he also sought out experiments in becoming undead himself, simultaneously craving and despising the concept of immortality, eventually leading to seeking information on lichdom. While it was generally driven by a lust for power he also felt like he deserved the pain and suffering that came with everything he did, and over time learned to enjoy it. While Dixy almost entirely lives for himself, he met a man named Arsene Delavaux who he'd never admit to caring about due to his willingness to sit and talk, since most everyone he's met before was driven away by his own façade of callousness. While he does genuinely disregard the needs of others most of the time, it's mostly an act he puts on to keep people from getting too close, feeling like he would be hurt more if others knew him personally, and fearing people knowing personal things about him. Arsene's willingness to listen to Dixy despite the annoyances makes him uncomfortable, entirely because he's not used to anyone showing any semblance of compassion. He misses his sister Sorelia and hopes to apologize to her someday, but it's not his biggest concern or goal.



Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Sign: Scorpio

Enneagram: 4w5

Flower: Cypress, Love-Lies-Bleeding

Element: Aether

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