Iris' Daughters

Posted Jan 24, 2022, 9:19:16 PM UTC

Pose ref.

It's taken me actual weeks to finally do a standalone drawing. ;_; January sucks!

I have a lot of ideas bouncing around my head. These are characters from one of them.

I thought way too hard about their outfits, and idk if I'm 100% satisfied with them, BUT. Iris (center) is themed after the flower of the same name. I tried to incorporate elements from the girls' outfits into hers, like the pink, blue, gold, and silver. I also wanted Iris to be purple because purple is a traditionally royal color. And, turns out! Pink and blue combine to make purple! There's so much baked into this design, and some of it was even on purpose :D

Sara's (left) design was easy, I threw her in a mermaid cut dress (look it up) and themed it after the sea. Sandra (right) looooves pink, and the old version of her was always depicted in pink. I googled 7-9 variations of "pink top", "pink shirt", "women's pink shirt", couldn't find anything that suited her, and then gave up and put her in an oversized sweater. The boots were easy. I took them from The Sims (or Hero Forge or somethin'), during the beta phase of character design.

I have more thoughts, generated over the 9 hours I spent on this piece - but I'm going to stop here. Thanks for visiting!

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