Lilli Portrait

Posted Feb 27, 2022, 9:09:30 PM UTC

Character Name: Lilli

Character Age: Unknown 

Character Species: Succubus

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Purple


  Lilli’s earliest memories are of being alone, abandoned in the underworld, a common fate for young demons. She banded together with some of the other orphans and they raised themselves as best they could. She quickly learned that she had a certain power over her fellow demons, an ability to persuade them to do things they wouldn’t normally do. As she got older this power grew, but she was never able to make them do anything they truly didn’t want to. 

  Like all young demons, Lilli dreamed of escaping to the worlds of the living. As time went by, her comrades all tried, and most died in the attempt. Only demons on missions were allowed into those realms, and missions were only given to adult demons who were all placed into servitude. Shortly after coming of age, hoping to escape her fate, Lilli decided to try her powers of persuasion on the portal guards. Much to everyone’s surprise, the guards let Lilli pass into the portal and the worlds of the living...

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  • Lilli Shapes the Wind
  • Lilli’s Fancy Dress
  • Lilli’s Belt


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