Kuki racing in a rocket sky skimmer!

Posted Apr 14, 2022, 7:03:15 PM UTC

With their daredevil pilot in a medical care for showing off and in need of a light weight pilot to race their Sky Rocket skimmer, the team saw Kuki who was working pat time lunch fetcher and as he set the Sandwich and coffee on the table, the head of the team grab him and pull him on the scales...long story made short, Kuki found him self racing across the cloud with the others racers teams. His lack of training make him mindless of the dangers as he push the skimmer to the limits most pilot are too sane to do as the crowd goes wild. Not satisfied with the speed, he summon air around the rockets and fuel the fire with Oxygen for extra boost and ZOOM! he race pass the finish line...and continue to speed off much to people confusion as it dawn on Kuki....he was so busy trying to go fast....he forgot how to slow down O.o

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