Ernaline Element

Posted Jul 23, 2022, 11:52:45 PM UTC

Ernaline Corbin is the only one in her family with a fire element. Everyone else has a earth element. Growing flowers and healing the sick with their herbs but, not her. She can still do those things but no magic is involved making it a much longer process.


Her magic is highly destructive and deadly when it gets out of control. So shes self taught and has hid alot of their abilities. She hates her abilities since she has been looked at far differently in her younth. She also suppects it's the reason the villagers ran her out.


When she uses her magic more of her bones show creeping up her arm and even in her face. As well as blowing smoke out of her mouth and nose. As well as wounds if they are present.

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Ernaline Corbin PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd496
14 total points
7 approved points



  • Ernaline's Talisman
  • Ernaline Corbin Portrait


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