Kiri in Faedin

Posted Sep 15, 2022, 12:39:50 AM UTC

Kiri walked through the portal - it felt as though her body was tearing apart. Perhaps this was a mistake...  She closed her eyes and waited for the death which would inevitably take her.

A few moments later, she felt herself tumble onto a soft, cool surface.  She opened her eyes.  Moss - moss over everything. And mushrooms! Glowing fungi so tall they towered over her.  As she sat on a nearby rock and watched the glowing spores float aimlessly in the evening bereze she thought, maybe this won't be so bad after all.



This is Kiri's first portal submission:

Prompt #2 - The Glow Clouds

Once a year, the fungi across the planet release glowing spores to reproduce. Most visiting species must wear protective gear to go out during this season. Tides of colorful motes drift through the air in gentle currents, swept into rainbows of light through the trees. Draw or write your character watching the spore lights in the forest. Your piece must include your character, indication of a forest, and glowing spores.

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