Goth NB cat tarot (0 the fool)

Posted Nov 16, 2022, 9:11:19 PM UTC

This is a portait of my oc Drew Gray, a nonbinary anthro cat, they are my first paperdemon character and I hope that I will be able to do all 78 cards, I am still thinking of a backstory but I will get ther when I get ther.

fun fact: they wher orriganly going to be a femboy instead but my disphorya got the better of me when drawing the shoulders and head so the head is bigger than internded and the shoulders smaller and with my disphorya the way it is I dont think I can play as a male identifying character.

Character name: Drew Gray


Species:anthro cat(catfolk)

Fur color:white

Eye color:blue

Gender: nonbinary




Likes: plush toys, the occult, cute dark clothing, sweet foods, tarot, animals, exploring, cute boys/muscular girls and evryone inbetween,TTRPGs,the cold

Disslikes: large crowds,uptight people,sauer foods,the heat.

Background: Drew Gray was never very good with crowds and always prfered to go into the woods with the crows,

when they where about 8 that fell out of a tree and landed face first onto a sharp rock and loseing ther right eye,

when they where 25 they came out to their familiy after getting a bit drunk(it didnt take mutch), the familiy toke it well exceped for that one uncle(we all know the one),

having grown discontent with not living life they desided to not hold themselves back anymore, to not let fear control them and to go and explore the world/worlds and regain control of their life, maybe they will visit the familiy from time to time but this Fool's journey awaits.


other things of note:

.they have no siblings but are very close to their 4 cusins.

.they take estrogenic herbs to reduce T levels, move body fat and decrease muscal mass.

.they love the cold, winter is one of their favret times of the year.

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