Signature Ability: Burnblade

Posted Jan 7, 2023, 5:36:10 AM UTC

So this is Sereid's (so far) only fighting ability and it's kind of limited. It's a burning energy blade that she ignites by tapping into her emotions. Usually anger. The energy gives the blade weight so it works like any sword. She can't use it indefinitely and if she feels no anger or strong emotions it will ignite for only about a minute. There are ways to coax herself into a fury, and sometimes she can use her inner fire to draw upon her body's energy reserves but this is very painful and leaves her drained.


However, sometimes it is necessary as Sereid is often flooded with emotions. She is thin-skinned and prone to restelessness and anxiety. If it isn't released through exercise or some form of highly charged physical activity it tends to build up and makes her liable to blow up at inoportune moments.

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  • Jan 8, 2023, 5:13:01 PM UTC
    Wow this looks epic! Fiery energy blade powers, with a fiery personality to match. She looks like she could cut through things easily, and burn them at the same time!
    • Jan 9, 2023, 8:33:18 PM UTC
      Yup! I drew a lot of inspiration from Kill la Kill



Sereid PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd849
129 total points
7 approved points



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