Beautiful Heavy Burdon

Posted Mar 31, 2006, 1:47:54 AM UTC
Why else would Gaara be with Lee? Who else could carry someone with a gourd of sand and sand armor? >>;;;;

(If you can't read what the text behind them says, I put it here to make it easier on you all)

Lee: If I can't carry you over this threshold I'll do five hundred laps around Sunagakore*,
and if I can't do that i'll do 200 one-handed pushups with your wonderful mighty weight upon me,
and if I can't do that i'll do a thousand leg squats while I hold your heavy beautiful burdon,
as beautiful as you are...

Gaara: LEE, SHUT UP!

Lee: Yes Gaara... ^_^;;;

Time: 30 Min
Medium: Dixon Ticonderoga, Prismacolored pencils, Copic Multiliner pens.

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  • Sep 29, 2006, 8:11:09 PM UTC
    what the heck is your problem??!! gaara would kill rock lee if he ever did that!! i cant belive you would minipulize Gaara as such!!
  • Jul 30, 2006, 11:54:22 AM UTC
    ......I may have just joined but this is wronge.......good but wronge....
  • Apr 3, 2006, 11:13:24 AM UTC
    OMG yay!! LeeGaa goodness *faves* Love it!
    • Apr 3, 2006, 8:41:50 PM UTC
      o.o thanks... O.o -shocked... didn't know people could fave-

      I joined this site before that option I think, oh wait I faved something too?! When did I do that?!

      O.o lol thank you very much for the fave I am so very unworthy. -bow grovel-
  • Mar 30, 2006, 10:26:03 PM UTC
    Woot- I'm not up to there yet in Naruto- I think I'm up to... actually, I'm upto the beginning of these two guy's battle. I take it that they impressed each other?
    • Apr 1, 2006, 12:19:49 AM UTC
      Oh wow you're only at the chuunin exam battle x.X... Well I don't want to give away any spoilers, so I hope you get to watch it, let's just say it wasn't pretty.
      • Apr 2, 2006, 8:29:07 PM UTC
        READ it- I'm sloooowly getting the english translations here in NZ. IT's taking a while ^^;
        • Apr 3, 2006, 8:42:37 PM UTC
          Tongue if you have the internet you have the ability to read it all, try just inputting naruto manga into a site searcher and I bet in no time flat you'll find the entire length of it.