Armaleos, the forest dragon

Posted Jan 19, 2023, 10:50:57 PM UTC

The source of Armaleos' latent element was unknown to him. He discovered them by accident when he was living his life with the princess. It would be obvious to think they would come from the mutation he went through when he was an egg, but neither of them knew about it at all. He never really needed to use them more than creating flowers or helping the princess with gardening, but since he fled the kingdom, he regretted not trying to practice more and find more survival and practical uses for his new life.

The small dragon did try to improve by himself, but never could grasp how they really worked. Thankfully, lady Destiny made him walk the path toward a wizzard that knew well about this latent power. After months of learning, Armaleos did huge improvements and could now use his powers in his hunts, or even escape the many dangers he miraculously never encountered yet! His special thing was manipulating and creating roots and vines. Very practical when it came to dig rats, mice or even squirrels out of their burrows! But also a powerful weapon to ensnare and capture larger creatures. His irises were changing color when using his powers, but he managed to learn how to hide it just in case he'd need to use them a bit more sneakily~ The training was intense, but really did wonders! He could make barricades and shields, temporary homes or beds... he could even model the terrain a bit and manipulate the ground! One day perhaps, he'll be even stronger and create mountains! Or flatten them!!

But that never truly interested him. What he wanted was to be able to defend himself, and make this new life a little easier. Now on his journey to the so called Parchment Imp Inn, Armaleos had everything he needed to start new adventures. From the gift the wizzard gave him to his new improved powers, the small dragon felt ready and couldn't wait to meet new friends and live great journeys with them!


A drawing I made in about 3h20 without counting the breaks, and that I'm pretty proud of! I love low-angle perspectives a lot, but never drew them much. I'm super happy of the result, and love the lighting I did! It came out pretty much like I had it in mind, too! And even if I never truly practiced on backgrounds, I'm rather happy of what I have here! ^^

Now Arma's latent element is done, the next step are the portals! I'm excited! So close from completing character creation!! ^__^

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  • Jan 19, 2023, 11:58:08 PM UTC
    YOOO THE PERSPECTIVE OF THIS PIECE IS AWESOME! I love the vines rushing towards the viewer, and Armaleos' tail twisting around the branch! This looks SO good!
    • Jan 20, 2023, 12:03:07 AM UTC
      Oh my gosh, thank you so much!! >///< I'm very happy of it! And I do love how Arma's tail is coiling around the tree yeah, hahaha!
      Thank you so, so much!! <3 <3



Armaleos PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd869
14 total points
7 approved points



  • Armaleos, the forest dragon - wallpaper
  • Arma's talisman: his cushion!
  • Doodling derg
  • Armaleos' reference sheet
  • Armaleos' character sheet


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