Dendarah Decra

Posted Mar 2, 2023, 7:09:50 AM UTC

Prompt #3 - Rootways

You trace the energy drain to its source– somewhere down in the city below. The roads themselves feel rich with energy, and you discover that the power has sunk beneath the surface of the city down into the roots below. To your surprise, you discover intricate, recently grown tunnels of roots that stretch under the city in a complex labyrinth. Who has built them? Why? How are they taking the orb’s power? Draw or write about your character investigating the root tunnels below the city. Your piece must include your character and either the root tunnels or those responsible for them.


This is kind of shoddily thrown together because I didn't have much time this month. I still had fun though and I'm glad I got to explore the idea. I imagined Dendarah would follow the roots down a dark, rocky tunnel. Perhaps there's a hole that lets out on the bottom of the floating isle. You have to be very careful not to suddenly fall to the world below!

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  • Mar 2, 2023, 3:39:44 PM UTC
    THis is so cool. Love the expression on her face and the lighting and the shading on her face is just satisfying.



Dendarah PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd713
28 total points
7 approved points



  • Dendarah in Castimeria
  • Dendarah in Pavia
  • Dendarah Latent Element
  • Dendarah Talisman
  • Dendarah


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