Krilihastoph of the Cli-Nickht

Posted Apr 18, 2006, 4:50:10 PM UTC
This is Krilihastoph of the race Cli-Nichkt. They are a race of bat people, with two sets of wings that live on a forested  planet called Shoushorese.

Their planet is entirely trees with the only water being collected in large pitcher-esque plants that secrete various minerals into the water. The only warm regions of the planet are those near the tops of the trees where sunlight reaches. Further down. Cli-Nickht begin to look more and more like winged wookies. At the very bottom of the tree, no light gets through and it is cold enough to serve as a cavern being a thriving point for luminous crystals and sightless creatures. The fish of this level are a particular delicasy as their luminous meat is very sweet and is said to be an aphrodiasiac.

They posses dextrous feet and hands so as to both cling to the tree branchs of their forest world, and open hard shelled fruits that grow therein.

the dual wings serve both for extra control while flying as well as in case something should happen to one set, they have a spare for outrunning predators.

They have no outward gentialia, as it is hidden away from predators and are marsupial in nature, both men and women being able to rear and give birth to young.  For the first month their infants stay in the parent's pouch and after that they are capable of roving on their own, with supervision by parents.

They have no spacefaring technology of their own, although they have built a port for other travelers to come to their world for trade purposes. They have no desire to become a spacefaring race. They are tribal by nature, having a head shaman for each village. Many have been taught the galatic standard trade language as well as knowing many dialects of Nichktese.

Nichktese or bat-Speak as it is more commonly called consists of many hight pitched squeals, chirps and trills, like the echo-location calls of earthen bats.

There is no war, nor poverty on Shoushorese. People trade with the barter system as opposed to money and debates over anythign are settled in "courthouses", presided over by the Grand High Shaman, who is always female and has the final judicial say in all matters dealing with law.

The very daring of CliNichkt will seek to prove themselves by taking down the most apparent of predators, and most threatening to their lives, a large, two headed bird of a mythical dragon's proportions, called a Shishou bird by travelers. If successful in taking one of these birds down, when the remove the feathers from them to make homes and blankets and the like from them, a single pin-feather from the undercoat of the bird is taken out and given to it's slayer. The pinfeathers of these birds is the size of single eagle feather. The down and larger feathers are cut apart to make proper use of them.

woo. alien.

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  • Aug 24, 2006, 10:13:07 PM UTC
    Hi Liasonswithlions,
    I've moved this artwork from the Sci fi gallery into the Fantasy gallery as this entry looks more appropriate for that gallery.
    • Aug 25, 2006, 12:40:56 PM UTC
      Ok, but he's an alien species...i.e from another planet...
      • Aug 25, 2006, 6:10:25 PM UTC
        Oh ok. Well I supposed it would be appropriate in both sci fi and fantasy then. Just by looking at it though I just thought it would be more well received in Fantasy.
        • Aug 28, 2006, 6:29:48 PM UTC
          -chuckles- I figured that was why he was moved, but he is in fact an alien species. ~^.^~;
  • Apr 18, 2006, 2:36:10 PM UTC
    Good call for nature not having the crown jewels out for anyone to knock 'em. So- they live in the sun or dark? What do they feed on- the fish? That's it or more than that?
    • Apr 18, 2006, 8:27:18 PM UTC
      Yea...I kinda did a spot description lol. Depending on what level in the trees they live in depends on how much light they get, there is a rumor that there are some down at the very bottom who are blind. Kri here lives at the top of the trees near the port. He got his pinfeather defending it.

      And as far as eating, they eat the fish and they eat the fruits from the trees. They have some that are like coconuts and some that are like pomegranties. They live mostly on fruits and the meat of a hamburger sized beetle called a sugar beetle. They have a soft shell and the Cli-Nickht remove the head and legs and eat them shell and all, like a hamburger. ~^.^~



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