Kate Greenheart reference 2022

Posted May 16, 2023, 7:43:57 AM UTC

Despite the fact that Kate was dealt the best hand possible when it came to odds on birth, life didn’t treat her accordingly. Her parents killed, mother’s side grandparents shot, and her adoptive father falling in love with the man behind those deaths, she was always in the wrong place at the wrong time. If she didn’t suffer, those around her did. She never seemed to make a good choice in her life. The belief her people followed, she botched. It just didn’t make sense the same to her as it did to others, to her elders. She wasn’t going to sacrifice a life for a dumb creed - a life she had sworn to protect.


Her good intentions didn’t stop her being notorious, even disgraced, within her kin. Listening to a youngling was not an option. Her crowned status did not change that. She was a rebelling adolescent and with the attitude she had towards traditions - near worthless. Her steps were never right. Her blades never cut correctly or cleanly enough. She couldn’t be herself, and even in disguise she did everything wrong despite doing her best. 


On a starless night, It took her in - but not by choice. She was a coincidence, an accidental victim. She always was. One too many times her location was unfortunate in terms of time - and she was taken by the Fog.



Original upload date: May 20, 2022

Once an AU - nowadays very much the canon.


After locking up most of my dA gallery because of an anxiety spike - just didn't feel safe having my characters and stuff there; though I had been considering doing that purge for a while - I'm uploading this murder child here. Otherwise her reference is just locked up behind Toyhouse's authorization.


Should remake it, though. She was one of the first accomplishments at the human-shaped waypoint on my art journey. But this one's not the only one that desperately needs a refresher, not surprisingly.

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  • May 16, 2023, 8:06:00 AM UTC
    Oh this is awesome! As I was binging through all of your stuff I was wondering what Kate's story was. Nice to get a little information on her <3
    • May 16, 2023, 8:27:12 AM UTC
      realized when replying to that comment on Nathaniel's ref that so much of my art is completely inaccessible now that i went ham on my dA gallery. 😂 her story is so intertwined with Caspian's, that it only makes sense to have her here, also.
      • May 16, 2023, 8:32:13 AM UTC
        Yeah, it's a shame that an art site just became a rather unsafe-feeling place for a lot of artists, myself included. I'm glad I got to see some of Kate though!