The Archivist

Posted Jun 2, 2023, 3:45:53 AM UTC

Character Name: The Archivist, or Archi for short

Character Age: 10,000s of years, she lost track (adult)

Character Species: divine power cyborg space centipede alien

Hair color: light pink crystals

Eye color: glowing red

Brief biography: A biomechanical alien hailing from a distant world Archi fully belives herself to be a god or at very least an incarnation of one. Weather her words are true or not matters little to the worlds around her as she treks through them in search of new stories to preserve. That's where she earned the title "The Archivist" which she wears as a name despite her birth name being long lost to time. In fact, the rest of her race was lost to time as well, her home planet has long since been enveloped by a black hole as well. Does this bother her? Not really, she's always been an adventureous spirit as well as knowing all must end eventually.


Personality wise she's chipper one with a bright spirit! Archi loves to listen to others, both to ease their troubles and for her own story gathering purposes. To the new she can be pretty overwhelming everything from her size (she's about 8 feet tall and 12 feet long, head to tail) to her personality (she's scarcely afraid to speak her mind) but given time she can be a great friend! Become good enough friends with her and maybe you can ride on her shoulders, it'd be a great view!

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