Xonia Ref

Posted Jul 21, 2006, 7:56:07 AM UTC
liek female omg lol

...o_O Yeah, so I like, actually drew something without a penis. D: Amazing.

This is Xonia Fao'lan. She's Tolion's wife. She's a skye elf (aka High elf) princess and heir to the throne. Skye elves are very tall and their hair can be any color of the rainbow. Their skin color is usually tinted with another color that's flattering to the color of their hair; in Xonia's case, her skin has a golden tint to it. It actually sparkles, too. :3

Xon comes off as a total bitch - you can probably tell from her expression XD - and is unusually skilled with the longblade. She's the one who taught Tolion everything he knows. :3 Through most of my story she's 35 years old (VERY young for a Skye elf; they age as quickly as humans, though they are immortal, and once they reach their prime the aging process practically stops), 12 years older than Tolion. She's quick-tempered, intelligent, cocky, and witty. And...future queen. D: SHIT. >.< XD

Xon and Tol have the same last name because they're sort of cousins (AND THEY MAKE BABIES LOL). Tolion was adopted and raised by Xonia's uncle. So they grew up together....kinda.

After a lot of traveling through worlds, Tolion eventually gets to Doln, which is....uh, 4 worlds over from their home world. (You can only travel to worlds that're adjacent to the world you're on. Complicated. >.<) Xonia gets all big-sister-worried about him (AWWWW!) and goes after him. Blah blah, yadda yadda, she ends up being captured. Tolion gets word of it and rescues her, but she decides to have PMS and gets all pissy that he grew his hair long (wtf. XD Actually, in skye elf society, only the most elite elves are allowed to grow out their hair. So she sorta takes it as an insult. o.O) and cuts it off to his ears. D: SHE'S A BITCH, I TELL YOU. But a hot bitch. And so Tolion bangs her. >D *bow-chicka-bow-wow*

Each of those tattoos was recieved after completing some sort of 'royal' trial; tasks to prepare her for being queen. She still has like...6 more trials to go through. But the rest of the tats are just going to be little dots like the one on her chin. The peircings represent how advanced she is with a sword. More complicated elven shtuffs. Basically...she kicks ass with a longsword. 8D

You get a cookie if you read all that. ;>>

Characters/art © Caiti Woodward

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  • Jul 21, 2006, 12:50:35 PM UTC
    *takes coookie* Tolion is MARRIEd??? *cries* NO FAIR!!!! *gobbles up cookie and seeks out choclate*

    anyways... nice piccy, and intresting story thing... yep.
    • Jul 22, 2006, 12:09:09 PM UTC
      Dude, you read all that. XD Jah, Tolion's married, but not till he's about...30-ish. Their kiddies are so cute! X3 *gives chocolate* o_o Thanks for the comment!!
      • Jul 22, 2006, 11:37:09 PM UTC
        you are most welcome. i really like your drawing style, and the face tats... I can't draw at all *pout*
        as for the story thing i thought it was great, and very intresting... i just wish i could draw the charries in my stories... i tried once, and you've never seen more wobbily stick figures in your life!!! XD
        • Aug 30, 2006, 9:58:15 AM UTC
          Practice makes perfect, m'dear. It's taken me YEARS to develope my style this way, and I still have a ways to go to get to where I really want to be. Thanks so much for your lovely compliments, it really means a lot. <3



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