Comment 102451

Comment ID 102451

[Art] Solace
Jan 25, 2021, 2:45:13 AM UTC on [Art] Solace
Oh, who are these two? I enjoy the arms of the smaller one, I actually have a character with that trait, though his design is far from being finished or shown. The fur detail, especially on the larger one, is crisp and nice, and the blur really focuses the piece.


  • Jan 26, 2021, 10:55:29 PM UTC
    Ahh thank you! The smaller one is Ryxin, and the big one is going through a name change (and I haven't decided on his new name yet). The gist of their story is that they got trapped underground together for a really long time. I'm actually working on a thing for them. Progress is slow since my current comic is my main priority, but I might be able to post some about it soon

    Also, I got Ryxin's design from Dezruhk over on Deviantart. I generally give credit the first time I draw designs not by me, but I forgot that this is my first time drawing him here. I'll add a link in a bit
    • Jan 27, 2021, 11:13:32 PM UTC
      Good luck on the renaming process Smile I look forward to seeing more, though make sure not to push yourself too much, stories are a ton of work!