Comment 104728

Comment ID 104728

[Art] Fishing
Mar 22, 2021, 3:14:12 PM UTC on [Art] Fishing
Aaa these look gorgeous!!! The atmosphere is so cute and peaceful!!!! It feels nostalgic to me somehow, like it's out of a game or movie I'd love as a kid 💛💛


  • Mar 23, 2021, 7:42:57 AM UTC
    aaa thank you so much sheep ;;
    i'm really proud of the backgrounds on these tbh, even though they're simple i can tell i've improved a lot on them!! and hearing you describe them that way just asdhgfdjg ♥
    • Mar 25, 2021, 6:18:02 AM UTC
      My pleasure!!! They're definitely to be proud of! And from what I recall you have improved a lot yes!! 💛💛💛