Comment 105001

Parent Comment

Jan 1, 2021, 8:49:09 PM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Mar 14, 2021 by Dragons-of-Aquella
Hatch Here!

One Egg per comment!

Comment ID 105001

Mar 29, 2021, 11:09:12 AM UTC
Hatch my silver pygmy egg please! (Recieved from lua love day)



  • Apr 24, 2021, 10:14:42 AM UTC
    As you stroll the market, you see some shady figures lurking in a back alley, as you come closer, you witness them attempting to do some sort of deal, exchanging goods with one another. As they spot you, both runoff, leaving one of the goods behind, as you walk closer you spot that it's some form of egg. You bring it home, thinking its just decoration, but as you grab something to eat and return, it's already hatched

    Male - Royal Pygmy Singer
    Lagoon - Healthy
    Soil with Traced Pangare Rimmed Singed Splash Sunkissed Ribbed and Merle