Comment 10764

Comment ID 10764

[Art] Shapes in Space
Aug 3, 2005, 8:16:44 AM UTC on [Art] Shapes in Space
Oh mi god.... you painted that? Ouch! But, it looks absoulutly wonderful!! I love the effect you have on the side, even if it as unintentional. ^_^


  • Aug 3, 2005, 4:07:02 PM UTC
    Yeah, I originally wanted it to be a flat checkered board going off into the distance but instead of making the squares on the sides look farther away, I made them squashed and stretched out...although now that I look at it I kind of like it this way, it kind of looks like the dimention is stretching or something, ha ha. Thank you themusicdied! Smile
    • Aug 3, 2005, 6:50:41 PM UTC
      I was scrolling down really fast, and I think the bottom looks like an optical illusen when you do that It's very cool. ^_^

      You're welcome, evilbunnyslippers! Smile