Comment 10772

Comment ID 10772

[Art] Shapes in Space
Aug 3, 2005, 10:09:19 AM UTC on [Art] Shapes in Space
Wow! Once again, you've shown your mastery of layout and design! The things I see in my head don't look half this cool even when they're still in my head, lol ^_^
Either way, your hard work on this shows: it's engaging and well-put together. You should pat yourself on the back!!! Bounce


  • Aug 3, 2005, 4:17:35 PM UTC
    I did so many little doodles and drawings before I finally settled on this design. I have a hard time visualizing things in my head before I draw it so whenever I start drawing something I have to work it out on paper before I know what its going to look like. On this one, after I doodled it, I did a quick version of it using MS paint and the fill in tool so I could actually see how it would look before I painted it. Man, it was so much easier in paint with that virtual paint bucket and the edit undo button, haha! I wish life came equipt with an edit undo button, lol. Thank you very much Stealth Nerd!! Bounce