Comment 112498

Parent Comment

Sep 9, 2021, 1:56:40 AM UTC
It's a great game, nice characters, nice story and everything. Although some people find they prefer the second game because it just picks up there.

Comment ID 112498

[Art] Richterbad
Sep 11, 2021, 11:44:51 PM UTC on [Art] Richterbad
It's in steam D8 I mean... I don't want to buy a switch just to play one game. Does the game use any weird console features? I might get it on PC :3


  • Jan 5, 2022, 7:00:07 PM UTC
    Sorry for not replying earlier, was kind of busy.

    I don't think it uses any switch specific stuff if I recall correctly. There are items you can examine in 3D like with the extra case in the first Ace Attorney game, but nothing that requires a microphone I don't think. There are some achievements, but I imagine Steam has their own version of the same thing.