Comment 114704

Comment ID 114704

[Art] GH - Alpine Wisp Hunt
Oct 24, 2021, 2:32:00 PM UTC on [Art] GH - Alpine Wisp Hunt
Nah, seems like you worked in those pine trees hard enough, they look good. This kid and his beautiful horns are great, I'm loving seeing so much of him!


  • Oct 26, 2021, 6:21:25 AM UTC
    thank you, i actually wanted to get rid of the horns because they are a pain to draw but people seem to love them so they are here to stay ^^
    • Oct 26, 2021, 12:34:58 PM UTC
      I mean!! If they don't bring you joy to draw, you should do as you like! Though I know you've already gone through a kit, so using another might bot be on your agenda.