Comment 12271

Comment ID 12271

[Art] Lady Phoenix
Aug 15, 2005, 5:02:40 PM UTC on [Art] Lady Phoenix
Ohh, this is very elegant Monk, I like this very much, her pose looks kinda sad to me, but it really strikes me emotionally for some reason. I'm Favorite this. Great work Wink


  • Aug 16, 2005, 11:38:07 AM UTC
    Thank you lots!Worship
    i tried to draw her in another less sader pose, but no matter how hard i tried, she still did not look right, so i redid it in her original pose. Smile
    • Aug 16, 2005, 11:39:41 AM UTC
      You're welcome, Monk-monk. And she really does look great, it's just the emotionality of it that gets me lol.