Comment 123564

Comment ID 123564

[Art] Not this guy again...
Mar 17, 2022, 11:57:05 PM UTC on [Art] Not this guy again...
omg the brutality of Wösma teamed up with Shikun kills me.

And the those signs can't stop me cause I can't read XD I'm crying XD


  • Mar 19, 2022, 9:15:05 AM UTC
    Thank you XD I´m always a bit nervous about using comedy, thinking i`m not good at it. Honestly nice to hear i could make someone chuckle.
    • Mar 22, 2022, 11:54:44 PM UTC
      Comedy comes in a lot of forms. The cool thing with collabing over a similar project is running gags *can* happen, and it makes the characters more colourful. Shikun with throwing food, and Wosma with their zero tolerance to the Fey's bullshit XD Individually in single images it could be strange, but over multiple images it becomes a running gag XD Specially if the Fey was awkward about it all. It's a balance, and I think you did great <3