Comment 125758

Comment ID 125758

[Art] Blasphemy is her name
Apr 30, 2022, 12:29:32 PM UTC on [Art] Blasphemy is her name
I love how you drew all those different emotions and face expressions of the characters - Tobias obviously liking what's going on, Flynn not so much and Leila doesn't seem to care about any of them. XD


  • May 9, 2022, 9:13:48 PM UTC
    Hah- so Tobias is having an affair with Leila, and is meant to be competition for the heart of another woman. Flynn is upset cause Tobias is going against the rules of the tournament. In the book he calls "Blasphemy" all the time at the men that go against the tournament for their own ideals.

    In the book she wears pretty much that outfit in a scene XD stunning XD