Comment 13624

Comment ID 13624

[Art] The Seamstress
Aug 31, 2005, 5:02:59 PM UTC on [Art] The Seamstress
MECHANICAL PENCIL!! WHAT!? O.O Not even MY mechanical pencil shading is so thoroughly smoothed and even O.O How the heck? uhhhh lol, you must teach me the art of your mech.pencil skills oh wise one, yup yup lol. I see the tree branch that had been looming over her, has been moved further up, I think it looks more natural that way too. The ledge of which the quiver of arrows is sitting upon is done real nicely, as well as the detail on the quiver itself. Just so much detail in this, and it really all looks so good Smile I could go on and on, but I'm not gonna hold your eyes here with that lol. So, I say EXCELLENT JOB! and gl on your next piece, I'm sure it's gonna be as good as this one ^^


  • Aug 31, 2005, 5:14:55 PM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Aug 31, 2005 by Minimaid
    Not much to teach, really. The only way I know of to show how I do things is the step-by-step Works in Progress that I've been posting. I tend to shade according to which texture I want, how smooth it has to be. The trees, for example, I would only draw using vertical lines. Her shin was shaded by very gently making tiny little spirals... It's just all dependent on what effect one wants to achieve.

    And thanks so much for your vote of confidence! I hope I live up to the expectations. Wink