Comment 139437

Comment ID 139437

[Art] [Element] No Smoke, Without...
Feb 1, 2023, 12:45:37 AM UTC on [Art] [Element] No Smoke, Without...
lmao idiot cant even control his own element what a loser
For realsies tho, this may be one of my fave pieces you've done - that shading looks brilliant! Especially the padded jacket for some reason. The burning cig and the fire effects just look amazing, and the low head tilt really adds to it all.

UGH this is SO COOL


  • Feb 1, 2023, 2:21:37 PM UTC
    Thank you dear. ;-;
    The padded jacket wound up being the bit I spent most time shading on, really wanted to make sure it was clear that it wasn't just one smooth surface/texture.